Light Flashes In Corner Of Eye

Hey there, funny folks! Have you ever experienced those pesky light flashes in the corner of your eye and wondered what was causing them? Well, fear not, for I have scoured the internet to bring you all the information you could ever want about this phenomenon. And don't worry, it's not all serious medical jargon. There are plenty of jokes to go around.

What are light flashes?

And why are they so darn annoying?

To put it super simply, light flashes are exactly what they sound like: brief bursts of light that appear in your vision. They're typically seen in the corners of your eyes and can be one of the most irritating things to endure. But why do they happen? Well, there are a few different reasons, so let's dive in.

Causes of light flashes

1. Migraines

One of the most common causes of light flashes is actually migraines. That's right, those pounding headaches that leave you curled up in a ball can also mess with your vision. During a migraine, you might see bright spots or flashes of light, often paired with auras or other visual disturbances. So, the next time you're seeing stars, think about that one jerk who gave you a headache earlier.

A cartoon image of a person with a headache

2. Eye floaters

Have you ever seen squiggly lines drifting across your field of vision? Those are most likely eye floaters. They're little specks that float around in the jelly-like substance in your eyeball, and they cast shadows on your retina which can appear as flashes of light. Unfortunately, eye floaters are a natural part of aging, but hey, at least now you know what they are.

An image of floaters in an eyeball

3. Retinal detachment

Okay, this one is a little more serious. If you're seeing light flashes and also experiencing blurred vision or seeing a lot of floaters, it could be a sign of retinal detachment. This is when the retina (the part of the eye that sends visual signals to the brain) becomes separated from the rest of the eye. It's definitely not something to mess around with, so if you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to see a doctor ASAP.

An image of a person holding an eye chart

4. Posterior vitreous detachment

Another potential cause of light flashes is posterior vitreous detachment (or PVD for short). This is when the vitreous (the jelly-like substance in your eyeball) pulls away from the retina. It's most common in people over 50, and while it can be annoying, it's usually not serious. However, if you're experiencing a lot of floaters or a sudden increase in flashes of light, it's worth getting checked out just to be safe.

An image of a person getting an eye exam

What to do if you're seeing light flashes

Spoiler alert: it depends on the cause

As I mentioned earlier, some causes of light flashes require immediate medical attention, while others are more of an annoyance. So, what should you do if you're experiencing flashes of light? Here are a few ideas:

If you have a headache/migraine:

  • Lie down in a dark, quiet room
  • Use compresses to relieve pain
  • Stay hydrated

If you have eye floaters:

  • Try moving your eyes around to "dislodge" the floaters
  • Focus on a distant object to make them less noticeable

If you're experiencing a sudden increase in flashes:

  • Call your eye doctor ASAP to get checked out

If you're just annoyed:

  • Make some snarky jokes about your eyeballs
  • Put on some sunglasses and pretend you're a celebrity dodging the paparazzi
  • Remind yourself that this too shall pass


And there you have it, folks! Everything you could ever want to know about light flashes in the corner of your eye. Whether you're dealing with annoying floaters or a more serious condition like retinal detachment, I hope this information was helpful (and at least a little amusing). And if all else fails, just remember: there's nothing wrong with being a little flashy.

An illustration of stars and light flashes

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